kategoriserad i » Saknad, ♥ Saknad, inlägget är kommenterat 3 gånger

I miss you, everyday!

I Wish You Could Be With Me Right Now,
I Know You Are, You're Always With Me Somehow,
I Wish You Were Here To See How Much I Miss You,
Why Did You Have To Go? I Know I Didn't Wanted You To.
I Wish I Got My Angel Back, Why Did You Leave?
I Wish I Could Turn Back Time, Then You'll Come Back To Me.
I Believe You're Still Around, Watching Me Always,
And I Will Believe In You, All Of My Living Days.
And I Know As Long As I Remember You,
You'll Forever Be Alive, Even Though It's Not True.
And I Know That We'll Be Together Again, One Day,
And 'Til That Day, I Can Visit You In Heaven Okay?
I Wish You Could Be With Me Right Now,
I Know You Are, You're Always With Me Somehow,
I Wish You Were Here To See How Much I Miss You,
Why Did You Have To Go? I Know I Didn't Wanted You To.
I Wish I Got My Angel Back, Why Did You Leave?
I Wish I Could Turn Back Time, Then You'll Come Back To Me.
I Believe You're Still Around, Watching Me Always,
And I Will Believe In You, All Of My Living Days.
And I Know As Long As I Remember You,
You'll Forever Be Alive, Even Though It's Not True.
And I Know That We'll Be Together Again, One Day,
And 'Til That Day, I Can Visit You In Heaven Okay?

Thessan säger:

Tack så mkt!

Skriven: - Hemsida: http://amigurumiblogg.bloggplatsen.se

maria izabelle säger:

Hej vännen! Tack för alla dina fina ord som alltid :)

jag har ingen som helst tillgång till dator dp min krashade i februari. Jag är verkligen hemskt ledsen då min novell får vänta... Jag skriver dagligen på kommande kapitel för hand som jag sedan bara kan skriva in i bloggen (då jag köpt en)

Förhoppningsvis kommer jag kunna köpa ny den 11e april (då norge har löningsdag) .

Annars, allt bra med dig?

Både din design och den header du gjort åt marielle är skitsnygga! Skulle bli jätte glad om du förnyade min design / kanske eventuellt bara header :))) puss och kram

Skriven: - Hemsida: http://alwayskidrauhl.blogg.se/

Josse - 12 - Foto, kompisar & kändisar. säger:

Svar: Okej. Skulle du vilja göra en till mig kanske? Hihi, om du har lust såklart! Kram :)

Skriven: - Hemsida: http://moonn.blogg.se/




